Providing Exceptional Lawn Care Services in Sheridan, WY

Trust our expertise for a lush and healthy lawn all year round.

Latest Update: MARCH 6th


AERATIONS: We will be starting aerations before the end of the month, so if you would like to mark sprinklers (if necessary) or do anything else prior to us coming, one of these nice days might be a good time to get ready.

SPRAYING: Most Springs bring us good weather mid to late March and then we typically get that last big snowstorm. We wait till the final snow melts and the grass is actively greening up. If the lawn is still too dormant, it can’t absorb the fertilizer.

PREPAYS: If you haven’t received a prepay letter, please let me know. My printer was acting up and kept stopping so I’m not sure if they all got printed correctly.


This time of year it’s good to keep watering but start weaning your lawn off your summer watering schedule just don’t go from regular watering to nothing, it’s better to keep watering through the middle of October, even if we’re down to just one good watering a week, it helps the lawn go dormant more slowly which is much healthier.

6am to 2pm MON-FRI.  These are just general times, early and late in the season they can vary depending on when we are able to get started in the morning and whether or not we are even working any particular day. For example, if there is frost on the ground in the morning, we have to wait for it to melt off before we can start spraying so our start times are later, therefore I’m in the office later. Also, if the weather does not permit us spraying then I don’t usually hang out in the office for very long in the morning. Hope this explains the “weird” office hours.

Our bill is due the day of service and any bill not paid within 10 days will start to show on our past due report.  Any properties with an outstanding balance will be suspended until the account is paid.  If a previous round has not been paid (unless special arrangements have been made with Shelli) then we won’t spray again until it’s paid, you will be skipped.

BILLING:  We now offer electronic payments in the account tab.  Feel free to use this new service but remember we cannot offer the 5% prepay discount on electronic payments.



We provide a comprehensive program for beautiful, healthy lawns, ensuring customer satisfaction.


Fertilizer, weed control, and aerations, to promote healthy weed free turf that the customer can be proud of!


That our committment to customer satisfatcion enables us to provide our services promptly, courteously, and for a fair price.

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